It’s always exciting to discover a message in a bottle, but rarely ones that are 132 years old.

Found on Wedge Island in Western Australia on Jan. 21, it’s the oldest message in a bottle ever discovered.

The revelation breaks the last record for the most established message in a container, which was 108 years of age and found in Germany in 2005.

Going back to 1886, the gin bottle was hurled from the German ship Paula in the Indian Ocean as a major aspect of an oceanographic try. Logical analysts trusted the container would enable them to better comprehend sea streams and subsequently discover better dispatching courses.

Perth inhabitant Tonya Illman revealed the container half-covered as she was strolling with a companion along the delicate sand ridges, supposing it may look great in her shelf.

“My child’s better half was the person who found the note when she went to tip the sand out. The note was sodden, moved firmly and wrapped with string,” Tonya Illman said in an announcement.

“We took it home and dried it out, and when we opened it we saw it was a printed shape, in German, with exceptionally black out German penmanship on it.”

Illman and her better half Kym conveyed the container toward the Western Australian Museum, who have distributed a provide details regarding the revelation. The Illmans even have created s video about their find.

Perth inhabitant Tonya Illman revealed the container half-covered as she was strolling with a companion along the delicate sand ridges, supposing it may look great in her shelf.

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“My child’s better half was the person who found the note when she went to tip the sand out. The note was sodden, moved firmly and wrapped with string,” Tonya Illman said in an announcement.

“We took it home and dried it out, and when we opened it we saw it was a printed shape, in German, with exceptionally black out German penmanship on it.”

Illman and her better half Kym conveyed the container toward the Western Australian Museum, who have distributed a provide details regarding the revelation. The Illmans even have created s video about their find.